A new version of the draft law on amendments to the Constitution related to decentralisation: the first comments

On December 28, 2019, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy submitted a new draft law on amendments to the Constitution related to decentralisation of power. This is the revised version of the draft law which was submitted on December 13.

“Meaningful and heated discussions as regards the draft law on amendments to the Constitution, making decentralisation real, have been held for several weeks. First of all, it was important to hear the viewpoint of hromadas, for capacity and future development of which the reform is being actually implemented”, Fedir Venislavsky, a member of the Legal Reform Commission at the President and the Representative of Zelenskyy in the Constitution Court, pointed in his comment for “Interfax-Ukraine”.

The first comments of the experts and the People’s Deputies concerning the updated version are also appearing.

30.12.2019 - 11:00 | Views: 14371
A new version of the draft law on amendments to the Constitution related to decentralisation: the first comments


Constitution Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Yu.Hanushchak Vitalii Bezghin


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