We have opportunity to complete decentralisation, - Dmytro Razumkov

The Parliament is ready to support local authorities and is able to complete decentralisation, said Dmytro Razumkov, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, during the solemn events on the occasion of the Local Self-Government Day.

"Only together we can efficiently and quickly carry out the changes, which will give a new start for the development of regions and build a truly new system. We got a practical opportunity to bring reform to the end," said Speaker of Parliament, referring to the heads of hromadas.

"With the new opportunities, you can implement all the tasks the voters put before you. Your work is hard and sometimes ungracious, but the life of our citizens depends on it,” noted Dmytro Razumkov.

Attached images:


Dmytro Razumkov


Прес-служба Апарату Верховної Ради України

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