18 February 2025

Decentralisation completion remains an important issue for the Parliament, - Dmytro Razumkov

 «Decentralisation completion remains an important issue for the Parliament. Constitution amendments must be approved for it», - said Dmytro Razumkov at the meeting of the Consultative Council on local self-government. He reminded that attempts to amend the Constitution in terms of decentralization had already been made. He also claimed that the process has to be efficient this time.

Dmytro Razumkov also underlined that for the appropriate bill on amending the Constitution to be passed the support of two thirds of the people’s deputies are necessary. «The issue cannot be solved with just the majority of the votes», - added Dmytro Razumkov.


Attached images:


Dmytro Razumkov Constitution Konsultatyvna rada


Верховна Рада України

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