Local elections to be held after administrative and territorial reform and based on majority vote system, - Member of Parliament

Local elections in Ukraine will only take place after the administrative-territorial reform is held and they will be based on the majority vote system, said Vitaliy Bezgin, head of the Verkhovna Rada Subcommittee on Administrative and Territorial Structure, at the "Effective Local Self-Government as a Guarantee of Democratic and Lawful State” Forum in Kramatorsk, hromadske reports.

“The key message is to hold no local election until the new administrative and territorial structure is set up and all Ukraine is covered by a normal plan. First, the reform will take place. The state position is more important than political expediency,” said the MP.

He also stated that the draft changes to the Constitution concerning the local self-government reform will be submitted for consideration to the Parliament in December.

"I have no doubt that until October, when the next local elections should be held, we will have time to change the law. Even if we do mot manage to adopt the amendments to the Constitution, which is our plan "A", then we will stick to plan "B" and adopt the appropriate package of laws", said Vitaliy Bezgin.

He also added that the position of the parliamentary majority is that the local elections should take place based on the majority vote system.

29.11.2019 - 11:59 | Views: 18268
Local elections to be held after administrative and territorial reform and based on majority vote system, - Member of Parliament


elections Vitalii Bezghin


Громадське Телебачення

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