22 March 2025

Organisation of administrative service delivery in AH: survey results. May 2019

The survey was conducted by the Association of AHs with the methodological and analytical support of the Office of Administrative Service Reform in order to study the AH opinion on the organisation of administrative service delivery.

Geography of the survey: 37 urban, 60 settlement and 103 rural AHs.

200 AHs – 25% of the total number of established AHs – took part in it.

As of 1 April 2019, 148 ASCs were formed in AHs, 66 (45%) of which participated in the survey.

Almost half of the surveyed AHs provide services through starostas, namely 45%, that indicates the low use of the starosta institute as an element of the administrative service delivery system at the local level, while such a task should be a priority.

A fairly large percentage of AHs surveyed, namely 40%, provide administrative services through their own structural units, continuing to use the cabinet system and the old organisational processes in servicing AH residents.

Almost equal are the shares of administrative services delivered through own ASCs and ASCs of Rayon State Adminisrations – 33% and 30% respectively, while 16% of the surveyed AHs do not plan to establish their own ASCs, which indicates the low institutional capacity of such AHs in terms of administrative service delivery for their residents.

The most important services that need to be provided at the local level include administrative services, which have long been introduced through ASCs, namely, residence registration services (94%) and real estate registration (82%). Services that are currently being provided only occasionally through the ASCs, namely social services (82%) and land services (73%), are also important.

93% of respondents noted the need for exchange of experience in the field of administrative service delivery.

Only 38% of the surveyed AHs have experience of cooperation with international technical assistance programmes and projects, of which almost 90 cooperate with the U-LEAD Programme, 11% - with GIZ and 5% with the UNDP. In total, 90% of respondents are interested in such cooperation.

Survey results are available here

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

12.06.2019 - 12:40 | Views: 16975

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survey Administrative services


Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України

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