UAH 150 million allocated by Government for development of sports facilities in schools – Government’s decree released

The state is going to invest UAH 150 million in the development of sports facilities in secondary schools. This is the subject of the Government’s decree No. 376 of 17 April 2019 that has been published on the Government’s website.

The financial support will be given for construction, reconstruction and major repairs of sports halls, sports facilities, swimming pools, stadiums, shooting ranges, shooting guns, sports fields, sports nuclei, sports grounds, as well as other open planes and their complexes.

“Construction and repair of the facilities will take place on the basis of co-financing, as well as most of our subventions. So, for institutions located in Kyiv, cities of oblast significance or those that are managed at the oblast level, the state budget will cover no more than 70% of the cost. Up to 90% of the project cost can be funded by the state for institutions located in rayons and in AHs. For schools located in villages (settlements) having the status of mountain settlements and in settlements located on the line of collision, the state can cover up to 95% of expenses for the construction of sports complexes", explained Liliya Hrynevych, Minister of Education and Science.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

13.05.2019 - 11:25 | Views: 13810
UAH 150 million allocated by Government for development of sports facilities in schools – Government’s decree released


L.Hrynevych youth education sport


Мінісерство освіти та науки

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