Government directed UAH 1 billion to supply schools with Internet and computers

The Government will invest UAH 1 billion in supplying Ukrainian schools with the Internet and computers – UAH 700 million will be directed to providing Internet access, and another UAH 300 million to purchase computers. The respective resolution was adopted at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on 3 April 2019.

“Today, in the 21st century, we have schools that do not have access to the Internet at all. For example, there are 12.1% of such schools in the Zakarpattia Oblast, and 19.3% - in the Zhytomyr Oblast. In half of Ukrainian schools, the speed of the Internet connection is less than 10 Mbps. This means that it is impossible to use the Internet to work with any educational content. Therefore, our task is to provide Internet connection in those institutions where there is no access at all, and ensure the connection speed in other educational establishments is not less than 30 Mbps, and up to 100 Mbps in hub institutions and large schools, since this speed can allow work with normal Internet resources,” said Liliya Hrynevych, Minister of Education and Science.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

03.04.2019 - 14:32 | Views: 10947
Government directed UAH 1 billion to supply schools with Internet and computers


L.Hrynevych education


Мінісерство освіти та науки

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