Vocational education institutions to be financed and managed by oblast level – this is already envisaged by draft law “On Vocational Education”, - Liliya Hrynevych

The management system of vocational education institutions (VEI) in Ukraine is now strongly fragmented – it is spread across the central level, cities of oblast significance, and oblasts. It results in funding problems as well as problems related to the approved state demand for specialists, maintenance and management of the institutions. The goal of the Ministry of Education and Science is to have all VEIs funded and managed at the oblast level. This is already stipulated in the draft law “On Vocational Education”. The minister of Education and Science Liliya Hrynevych made this announcement when opening the workshop “Launch of Turin Process in Ukraine” on 21 March in Kyiv.

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21.03.2019 - 15:35 | Views: 10426
Vocational education institutions to be financed and managed by oblast level – this is already envisaged by draft law “On Vocational Education”, - Liliya Hrynevych


L.Hrynevych education vocational training college


Мінісерство освіти та науки

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