Government to continue implementation of reforms launched and to have fruitful cooperation in inter-election period, - Volodymyr Groysman

The Government of Ukraine will continue implementation of the reforms launched and will have a fruitful cooperation in the inter-election period. This will become a guarantee for maintaining economic stability and strengthening the positive dynamics of national development. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman on air of the HB radio.

The head of the Government placed a special emphasis on continuation of the task for which he came to work in the Government. "The decentralisation reform. Earlier, the regions had not had a such efficient amount of resources. As a result- poor hospitals and roads. We started to change this system. The core of the reform with which I came to the Government is to give people a new quality of services and a new quality of life. Also, we need to complete the education, medicine reforms and transformation in the economic sector. We need to complete it in such a way that people feel changes. It is impossible to drop it. It is of utmost importance to get result", the Prime Minister emphasized.

The Prime Minister stressed that he has been heading the Cabinet of Ministers for three years, and it is enough time for not only to understand the depth of the problems in the country, but also to see the ways of their solution. Moreover, one of the effective ways will be a change in the decision-making system - without losing time in the face of threats and different world trends. "But even what has already been done in Ukraine over the years will yield a result," Volodymyr Groysman underscored.

11.05.2019 - 09:51 | Views: 8714
Government to continue implementation of reforms launched and to have fruitful cooperation in inter-election period, - Volodymyr Groysman


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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