The acting Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is committed to ensuring the normal functioning of the country during the transition period of the formation of the parliamentary majority and the new Government, as well as to prepare special transition books for the next Cabinet. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman stated this during the Government sitting.
The PM noted that this meeting was the first following the pre-term elections to the Verkhovna Rada, during which Ukraine had again proved to be a democratic country, where each voter has the right to vote as he considers it appropriate.
"Our Government has laid a solid foundation for change. We have launched the development of infrastructure of cities, villages, begun to modernise the infrastructure, to shape energy independence, initiated changes in the pension system, in the retrofitting of education and medicine. All those must be prolonged. It is critical for us to continue decentralisation processes, the reform of the civil service, and support culture", said Volodymyr Groysman. "We treat with responsibility fulfilling the objectives of the Government in the transition period. We will ensure normal livelihoods of the country, prepare for the heating season. We will also form an array of materials - for the next Government officials - on the state of affairs in each direction of the Government’s activities. This will be a new tradition."
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