Local Systemic Development Programme is gaining momentum

79 hromadas-participants of the Local Systemic Development Programme attended induction meeting in Kyiv.

During the event, the partner AHs from the Luhansk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts learned more about open land management, filling the AH budget by attracting investment, creating favourable conditions for business development and improving living standards in the rural areas.

The training will consist of several levels for specialists in various fields: from land surveyors to specialists in economic development and strategic planning. Land surveyors will be able to get free access to the information base of the hromada land inventory. The rest will be able to pass training and get professional advisory support in attracting investors and managing land resources.

The best ideas elaborated in course of the training will be selected to launch specific investment projects.

A short list of 10 hromadas, selected in the framework of a competitive selection, was defined for participation in the project.

The winners will get a complex developed digital system of land resources based upon GIS technologies.

The Local Development Programme is being implemented by the East Europe Foundation, DEPRO and LLC “Blominfo-Ukraine” within the framework of the USAID Project “Support for Agrarian and Rural Development”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

03.12.2018 - 10:30 | Views: 9120
Local Systemic Development Programme is gaining momentum

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