Andriy Parubiy wants to set up “horizon” for voluntary amalgamation of hromadas

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy supports defining the deadline for the voluntary amalgamation of hromadas to accelerate the process of AH formation in Ukraine.

He informed it during his speech in the Verkhovna Rada.

“We need to develop a set of measures to have a term to complete hromadas’ amalgamation. There are some hromadas that will never make a decision, if they are not informed of and presented with a “horizon”. Then it will be necessary to tell them that there is the term and, if no amalgamation is carried out, then the system and limits will be offered by the state. They will have the choice either to make a decision themselves, or to accept the division offered by the state. It will substantially speed up the process,” he said.

As it is known, in accordance with the decentralisation reform, voluntary amalgamation of hromadas is being carried out in Ukraine. As of the beginning of November, 838 AHs have been formed in Ukraine. In total, around 1450 AHs are planned to be formed in Ukraine by 2020.


23.11.2018 - 12:44 | Views: 8288
Andriy Parubiy wants to set up “horizon” for voluntary amalgamation of hromadas


amalgamation of hromadas



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