Process of nominating candidates at elections in AHs on 23 December has started

On 19 November, the process of nominating candidates for deputies, as well as for the village, settlement, city heads at the first elections in AHs appointed on 23 December 2018, has started.

The territorial election commissions will accept documents for registration of candidates by 28 November. And by 29 November, TEC will decide on registration or refusal to register candidates.

It is worth mentioning that the first elections of local deputies and village, settlement and city heads, scheduled for 23 December 2018, will be held in 123 amalgamated hromadas (15 urban, 21 settlement, 87 rural AHs) in 21 oblasts of Ukraine. The structure of these 123 AHs included 511 local councils (urban - 15, settlement - 25, rural - 471).

According to preliminary estimates, more than 685,000 voters will be able to participate in these elections.

The CEC gave permission to have official observers for this election to 18 public organisations.

In general, after the elections of 23 December 2018, 828 AHs will be finally created in Ukraine.

19.11.2018 - 15:51 | Views: 13462
Process of nominating candidates at elections in AHs on 23 December has started


elections CEC



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