President instructed regional authorities to develop plans of perspective territory development for 2019-2021

During the Regional Development Council, President Petro Poroshenko instructed the regional authorities to develop plans of the perspective development of territories for 2019-2021.

"It is necessary to overcome chaos in implementing the regional development policy. Therefore, I set a task for the regional authorities to develop plans of the perspective development of territories for 2019-2021, discuss them with society and hromadas, and approve them at the hromada level. Each territory should define its advantages and priorities, on the basis of which there will be priority facilities on your roadmap as markers of development," the President said.

The Head of State added that every hromada member should have an opportunity to get information on what will be done in 2019, 2020 and 2021, and what the earned hromada’s money will be spent on.

"The availability of such perspective plans with approved projects and financing mechanisms will significantly increase the investment prospects of territories. And those to come first will win," he said. The President noted that the state will find an opportunity to co-finance many of these projects. "Therefore, urging you to adopt the development plans, we do not encroach on the funds of local self-government. This is the money the use of which you will determine yourself. On the contrary, we offer financial assistance in the implementation of particularly significant projects. We will lend a state shoulder," the Head of State said.

12.11.2018 - 15:43 | Views: 12412
President instructed regional authorities to develop plans of perspective territory development for 2019-2021


amalgamation of hromadas perspective plan P.Poroshenko


Адміністрація Президента України

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