CEC cancelled elections in Romanivska settlement AH because of lawsuits

The regular meeting of the Central Election Commission took place on 1 November, during which the Commission cancelled the first elections in the Romanivska settlement AH of the Zhytomyr Oblast, previously appointed for 23 December 2018, as reported on the CEC’s website.

“The Commission introduced changes to the CEC’s Resolution No. 156 “On the first elections of deputies of village, settlement, city councils of amalgamated hromadas and corresponding village, settlement, city heads on 23 December 2018” dated 12 October 2018, having excluded position 4 in Annex 5 to the Regulation”, informs the Central Election Commission.

Changes to the Annex to the Resolution No.156 apply to the Romanivska settlement AH, where the first local elections were to take place on 23 December.

The civil network OPORA unveiled an explanation of the reasons for the cancellation of elections in the Romanivska AH, provided by Tetyana Yuzkova, member of the Central Election Commission.

“The reason for these changes was the court appeal, according to which it was established that the decision of the 24th session of the 7th convocation of the Vilshanka Village Council on the voluntary amalgamation of hromadas was suspended until the decision on the case of Serhii Stepanyuk’s claim against Vilshanka Village Council comes into effect,” informed Ms. Yuzkova.

The claim of Serhii Stepanyuk has been considered in courts since last year, the first sitting in the case was held at the Romaniv Rayon Court on 21 November 2017.

Hearing of the case on the merits is scheduled for 6 November 2018.

As it is known, on 12 October 2018, the Central Election Commission decided to appoint the first elections in 125 AHs for Sunday, 23 December 2018.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

02.11.2018 - 13:30 | Views: 13809
CEC cancelled elections in Romanivska settlement AH because of lawsuits


elections CEC


Житомирська область



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