09 September 2024

Mobile ASC of Lymanska hromada: administrative services with delivery included




The Lymanskaurban amalgamated hromada, which is one of the largest in Ukraine, is located in the Donetsk Oblast. The territory of 1210 square kilometres includes 44 settlements with 44 thousand of permanent residents and more than 20 thousand of temporary displaced people. Therefore, the AH decided to bring services to people as close as possible – literally, bring them to their homes. It was achieved due to modern technology and international partners’ support.

“In 2017, we opened a modernised Administrative Service Centre in Lyman and constantly expanded the list of services. Now it provides 151 administrative services. But our hromada is large, and there are people in each of 39 villages and in the city, who cannot get to the ASC on their own, even when it’s very necessary. Therefore, we decided to reach them ourselves and bring services to all AH residents as close as possible,” says Maryna Royko, head of the administrative service delivery department of the executive committee of the Lyman City Council.



Maryna Royko

“During one study visit to Germany, our colleagues from another hromada saw that there employees of administrative service centres use the so-called “administrator’s suitcase”. This is a mini-ASC that can be carried by a person. They told us about it, and showed the photos. Of course, we wanted to have this equipment at our disposal. Our ASC team is young and dedicated. If we want something, we do not sit still,” Maryna Royko assures.

They addressed the UNDP “Recovery and Peacebuilding” Programme and received assistance to make their dreams come true.


Mobile ASC the AH was dreaming about


The metal secure suitcases contain a laptop, a scanner, a printer, a 4G modem, an ID-card scanner, a photo camera, and a video camera.

The Mobile Office allows to provide all services available at the main ASC, including the most essential ones: social services, residence registration services, land services, issuance of various certificates, etc.

https://storage.decentralization.ua/uploads/ckeditor/pictures/2073/content_3.jpg< UNDP “Recovery and Peacebuilding” Programme assisted in mobile ASC purchase


With one suitcase the ASC administrators will travel to villages, with the other – around the city. They will travel in a car from the AH fleet. The hromada also has a mobile office of the department of social protection of the population. It is planned that the ASC administrators will adapt their schedule to the working schedule of social service administrators and will visit the villages together.

Each suitcase will be served by one administrator.

The first trip of the mobile ASC is planned to take place in November.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Administrative services


Донецька область


Лиманська територіальна громада


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