Конкурс грантів від Східного партнерства. Місцевий та регіональний розвиток

В рамках ініціативи "Східне партнерство" Програма "U-LEAD з Європою" оголошує конкурс грантів, спрямованих на проекти місцевого та регіонального розвитку. Повний текст оголошення - англійською мовою:

Call for project applications

Within the framework of the GIZ project “Exchange Platform for the Chapters on Regional Development within the Association Agreements of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine”, local non-governmental, non-for-profit organisations are invited to apply for grant financing.

The GIZ project is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), financed through the GIZ Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reform, and implemented in Ukraine through the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. 


Grants made available under this call are to support projects relevant to Article 446 under Chapter 27 of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and as such contribute to:

“[the] implementation of regional policies, including multi-level governance and partnership, with special emphasis on the development of disadvantaged areas and territorial cooperation, hereby establishing channels of communication and enhancing exchange of information between national, regional and local authorities, socio- economic actors and civil society.”


Non-governmental, non-for-profit organisations are eligible to apply for funding. Proposed projects are to be fully implemented in Ukraine. Cross-border projects cannot be funded under this scheme.

Project duration

The expected launch of the selected project(s) is October 1st. The overall duration of the project should not exceed 6 months.


Applicants may apply for projects with a total budget of up to 12.500 EUR (excl. VAT). 

Selected project/projects will be funded gradually. Advance payment will be made and the consequential tranch(es) will be depended on submitted financial accounts and monitoring results.

Submission of application

Application are to be submitted in English via e-mail to Sascha Kuhn (sascha.kuhn@giz.de) until no later than August 30, 2018 using the subject line Grant application EaP// [Name of organisation].

Selected projects are expected to be announced as of September 10th.


Selection will be based on the following criteria:  







How relevant is the proposal to the objectives of this Call for Proposals?



Design of the project:


Are the needs of the project’s beneficiaries and other relevant stakeholder effectively analysed and addressed?



Are the project’s activities likely to deliver the expected results?



Is the proposed project planned cost-effectively?



Have aspects of sustainability been taken into account?


A maximum of 5 pt. (very strongly) will be allocated for each criterion. Applications containing incomplete or inaccurate information will not be processed.

Note that funding is subject to GIZ’s standard commercial and legal eligibility check that will be performed for those pre-selected for funding.

Specification of application

Applications should be submitted in English, not exceed 10 pages and contain the following information:

  1. Title page
  • Reference to the grant competition
  • Title of the proposed project
  • Total budget of the project (excluding VAT)
  • Name and registration number of the organisation
  • Legal address of the organisation
  • Name of manager and contact details (telephone number, e-mail address)
  • Signature and stamp of the manager
  1. Project description   

2.1.Title of the project

2.2.Implementation period

2.3.Objective of the measure


In a few sentences, briefly describe why this project is needed and how it is contributing to the objective of this grant scheme.

2.5.Target group

State who is being addressed through the planned activities and who stands to benefit; specify geographic coverage

2.6. Project team

Please list all staff who will be involved in the implementation of the project and their respective functions. CVs of all staff relevant to the implementation of the project should be attached.

2.7.Indicative implementation timeline (activity/results)

Please briefly specify the planned activities, when they are to be implemented and what results/outputs (e.g. # of workshops, radio show aired, blog entries, etc.) you expect. Please quantify where possible.  In the timeline, please indicate when each of the proposed activities is planned to be implemented by inserting (x) in the relevant column.



2018/2019 timeline



10/ 18

11/ 18

12/ 18

01/ 19

02/ 19

03/ 19

04/ 19

05/ 19




































































2.8.Budget (in UAH, without VAT)

Please use the attached template in Excel format. The budget should only contain costs relevant for the activities envisaged under the project. Neither ongoing costs of the organisation nor any kind of debt can be included in the budget.


  • Brief background on applicant, including financial turnover of previous 2 years, completed and ongoing projects (type of financing, project volume)
  • CVs of all staff proposed for the implementation of the project
09.08.2018 - 16:11 | Переглядів: 35085

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