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The Way How Amalgamated Hromadas Used Infrastructure Subvention in 2019 - Infographics The Way How Amalgamated Hromadas Used Infrastructure Subvention in 2019 - Infographics
Amalgamated hromadas have already allocated almost 99% of infrastructure subvention among their projects Amalgamated hromadas have already allocated almost 99% of infrastructure subvention among their projects
Amalgamated hromadas have already distributed 98.5% of infrastructure subvention among their projects Amalgamated hromadas have already distributed 98.5% of infrastructure subvention among their projects
96% of infrastructure subvention already distributed for various projects in amalgamated hromadas 96% of infrastructure subvention already distributed for various projects in amalgamated hromadas
Amalgamated hromadas submitted projects for almost entire amount of infrastructure subvention, - Vyacheslav Nehoda Amalgamated hromadas submitted projects for almost entire amount of infrastructure subvention, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
AHs to present list of projects for full sum of infrastructure subvention by 24 June AHs to present list of projects for full sum of infrastructure subvention by 24 June
Explanation on use of infrastructure subvention from Analytical Centre of AUC  Explanation on use of infrastructure subvention from Analytical Centre of AUC
Government’s resolution on AH infrastructure subvention allocation in 2019 published Government’s resolution on AH infrastructure subvention allocation in 2019 published
Infrastructure subvention enables hromadas to quicker “get on their feet” and stimulates them to expand, - Vyacheslav Nehoda Infrastructure subvention enables hromadas to quicker “get on their feet” and stimulates them to expand, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Government allocated UAH 2.1 billion to support amalgamated hromadas Government allocated UAH 2.1 billion to support amalgamated hromadas
Government approved amendments to Procedure and Terms of granting subvention to form infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas  Government approved amendments to Procedure and Terms of granting subvention to form infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas
Infrastructure subvention for AHs is in the agenda of specialised parliamentary committee Infrastructure subvention for AHs is in the agenda of specialised parliamentary committee
Amalgamated hromadas in State Budget-2019: comments from MPs Amalgamated hromadas in State Budget-2019: comments from MPs
UAH 4.5 billion should be the amount of infrastructure subvention provided to amalgamated hromadas in 2019, - Oleksandr Slobozhan UAH 4.5 billion should be the amount of infrastructure subvention provided to amalgamated hromadas in 2019, - Oleksandr Slobozhan