AHs to present list of projects for full sum of infrastructure subvention by 24 June

On 15 May 2019, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada for Budget Affairs approved the distribution of the state budget subvention to local budgets for the build-up of the infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas in 2019 (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 208 of 24 April 2019).

This was reported by Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

He has reminded that hromadas should submit to MinRegion the list of projects for all the amount of the subventions envisaged for them within two months from the day the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers comes into force, which approves the distribution of subventions. It means that by 24 June, all AHs must submit the necessary documents for the entire amount of subvention provided for each specific hromada.

“Hromadas should not delay with project applications in order to have time to implement their projects. I hope that oblast state administrations and local government development centres will, as always, provide expert and advisory support to hromadas in preparing applications and projects for subvention funds," Vyacheslav Nehoda noted.

It is worth mentioning that in 2019, the sum of UAH 2.1 billion is provided for the development of infrastructure in AHs. This money is distributed among the budgets of the amalgamated hromadas in proportion to the AH’s area and the number of rural population. So, the more rural territories were amalgamated by the hromada, the more funds it received from the state budget for infrastructure development.

15.05.2019 - 15:20 | Views: 14176
AHs to present list of projects for full sum of infrastructure subvention by 24 June


V.Nehoda subvention subventsiia 2019


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