Explanation on use of infrastructure subvention from Analytical Centre of AUC

The Government-allocated infrastructure subvention for amalgamated hromadas in 2019 is awaiting its approval by the Parliamentary Budget Committee. However, this does not prevent hromadas from preparing projects to be implemented by them through subventions. The Analytical Centre of the Association of Ukrainian Cities has prepared an explanation for the use of subvention by hromadas.


It is worth reminding that on 24 April, the Government approved allocation of subvention from the state budget to local budgets to form the infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas in 2019 (Order No. 280-р).

From 2016 to 2019 inclusive, the Government allocated UAH 6.5 billion for amalgamated hromadas to develop infrastructure on their territories: UAH 1 billion for 159 AHs in 2016;  UAH 1.5 billion for 367 AHs in 2017; UAH 1.9 billion for 665 AHs in 2018; UAH 2.1 billion for 806 AHs in 2019.  

Amalgamated hromadas have implemented 6380 projects at the expense of infrastructure subventions in course of three years.

08.05.2019 - 12:53 | Views: 10340

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subvention AUC subventsiia 2019


Асоціація міст України

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