In 2019 amalgamated hromadas realized 3095 projects for the amount of 2,06 billion UAH funded with subvention aimed at the infrastructure development.
‘For 4 years amalgamated hromadas realized approximately 9, 5 thousand projects funded with infrastructure subvention. Supported by the state, cities and villages of amalgamated hromadas undergo changes that could not have been observed for years: they construct and repair schools, kinder gardens, outpatient clinics and rural health posts, cultural and sports institutions, ASCs, water supply systems and roads, they buy specialized transport, they plan their development for decades. And these are not all positive changes in capable hromadas. Thus, there cannot be an alternative to the local government reform or decentralisation. Our aim for the year is to cover all the territory of Ukraine with hromadas capable of providing people with qualitative and affordable services’, - commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.
Attached images:
V.Nehoda subvention subventsiia 2019
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