20 September 2024
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The starosta institute development – an interview with Vitalii Bezghin, a people’s deputy The starosta institute development – an interview with Vitalii Bezghin, a people’s deputy
The starosta institute development – the Verkhovna Rada committee has supported bill 4535 The starosta institute development – the Verkhovna Rada committee has supported bill 4535
On the content and legal essence of a starosta’s authority On the content and legal essence of a starosta’s authority
January, 15: the law, making it possible to serve at local self-government bodies at the age of 65+, is coming into force January, 15: the law, making it possible to serve at local self-government bodies at the age of 65+, is coming into force
The starosta institute development – the draft infographics The starosta institute development – the draft infographics
On the territorial basis of starosta districts formation On the territorial basis of starosta districts formation
Bill №4535: starosta institute development or delinquent necessity Bill №4535: starosta institute development or delinquent necessity
On the probable starosta status amendment

On the probable starosta status amendment
Starosta institute development: the bill has been registered in the Parliament Starosta institute development: the bill has been registered in the Parliament
Clarification of certain issues of starostas appointment, authorities and status Clarification of certain issues of starostas appointment, authorities and status
Starostas: new opinions about the appointment procedure Starostas: new opinions about the appointment procedure
A starosta – who and for whom? A starosta – who and for whom?
A starosta: concise answers to topical questions A starosta: concise answers to topical questions
The age limit for those holding the office of a starosta in local self-government bodies The age limit for those holding the office of a starosta in local self-government bodies
On the starosta districts formation, starostas appointment, etc. On the starosta districts formation, starostas appointment, etc.