16 September 2024
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We are inspired by the Caprathians: Vyacheslav Nehoda presented online information resource on Ukrainian Carpathians development We are inspired by the Caprathians: Vyacheslav Nehoda presented online information resource on Ukrainian Carpathians development
Decentralisation creates new opportunities to protect the interests of the Carpathian region, - Oleksandr Sayenko Decentralisation creates new opportunities to protect the interests of the Carpathian region, - Oleksandr Sayenko
“It is necessary to search for neighbours’ support, but we should not forget to develop our own capabilities,” Vyacheslav Nehoda, on prospects of Carpathian region “It is necessary to search for neighbours’ support, but we should not forget to develop our own capabilities,” Vyacheslav Nehoda, on prospects of Carpathian region
MinRegion and Donor Board discussed preparation and innovations of the future State Strategy for Regional Development-2027 MinRegion and Donor Board discussed preparation and innovations of the future State Strategy for Regional Development-2027
Recommendations on planning small and medium entrepreneurship development in regions and hromadas Recommendations on planning small and medium entrepreneurship development in regions and hromadas
By end of the year all oblasts to develop regional strategies for 2021-2027 years, - Vyacheslav Nehoda By end of the year all oblasts to develop regional strategies for 2021-2027 years, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Government approves first set of investment projects to be financed from SFRD in 2019 Government approves first set of investment projects to be financed from SFRD in 2019
Government approves action plan for implementation of agreement on Danube Transnational Programme Government approves action plan for implementation of agreement on Danube Transnational Programme
Zhytomyr Oblast to complete Regional Development Strategy elaboration by the end of 2019 Zhytomyr Oblast to complete Regional Development Strategy elaboration by the end of 2019
MinRegion developed practical guide for regional development agencies on paid service delivery MinRegion developed practical guide for regional development agencies on paid service delivery
Upgrade of existing and construction of new checkpoints on border to Poland, - details of meeting of Intergovernmental Coordination Council Upgrade of existing and construction of new checkpoints on border to Poland, - details of meeting of Intergovernmental Coordination Council
Enhancing Ukrainian-Polish interregional contacts as step towards European unity Enhancing Ukrainian-Polish interregional contacts as step towards European unity
Each oblast needs effective regional development agency – this is already getting urgent, – Vyacheslav Nehoda Each oblast needs effective regional development agency – this is already getting urgent, – Vyacheslav Nehoda
Smart specialisation is obligatory in the system of strategic regional development planning, - MinRegion Smart specialisation is obligatory in the system of strategic regional development planning, - MinRegion
Regional development strategies 2021-2027: what can regions do this year to reach a new level of strategic planning? Regional development strategies 2021-2027: what can regions do this year to reach a new level of strategic planning?