01 July 2024
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Скинути фільтри
Experience of Pokrovske municipality in the spatial planning programme implemented by U-LEAD with Europe Experience of Pokrovske municipality in the spatial planning programme implemented by U-LEAD with Europe
Spatial planning, mobility, waste management, business support – new training opportunities from U-LEAD for municipalities Spatial planning, mobility, waste management, business support – new training opportunities from U-LEAD for municipalities
USAID «ГОВЕРЛА» та USAID АГРО спільно працюватимуть над просторовим розвитком Кіптівської громади

USAID «ГОВЕРЛА» та USAID АГРО спільно працюватимуть над просторовим розвитком Кіптівської громади
Просторове планування розвитку територій громад: кращі практики та рекомендації - посібники Просторове планування розвитку територій громад: кращі практики та рекомендації - посібники
Проєкт USAID «ГОВЕРЛА» представив свої напрацювання з розвитку просторового планування

Проєкт USAID «ГОВЕРЛА» представив свої напрацювання з розвитку просторового планування
26 травня - семінар «Просторове планування розвитку територій громад: кращі практики та рекомендації» 26 травня - семінар «Просторове планування розвитку територій громад: кращі практики та рекомендації»
February, 24: the round table “How can municipalities get the cartographic base for the spatial development complex plan” February, 24: the round table “How can municipalities get the cartographic base for the spatial development complex plan”
Spatial planning and natural resources management – a new opportunity from U-LEAD with Europe Spatial planning and natural resources management – a new opportunity from U-LEAD with Europe
Municipality powers in the sphere of urban development and control – the round table theses Municipality powers in the sphere of urban development and control – the round table theses
The Government has approved the Parliament draft Resolution, defining the boundaries of the town of Izmayil The Government has approved the Parliament draft Resolution, defining the boundaries of the town of Izmayil
The HOVERLA USAID project is developing spatial planning in regions The HOVERLA USAID project is developing spatial planning in regions
The StateGeoCadastre has publicized the Main State Topographic Map with the scale of 1:50 000 The StateGeoCadastre has publicized the Main State Topographic Map with the scale of 1:50 000
There is a proposition to make the e-form of the materials of the State Fund of Land Tenure Documents and Land Assessment. Local self-government assistance is needed There is a proposition to make the e-form of the materials of the State Fund of Land Tenure Documents and Land Assessment. Local self-government assistance is needed
The Parliament has defined the boundaries of five towns more The Parliament has defined the boundaries of five towns more
The spatial development complex plan being on guard of the municipality interests The spatial development complex plan being on guard of the municipality interests