Forum “Ukraine and the World: Dialogue through Youth” will take place in Kyiv

Do you have ideas for the development of Ukraine and promoting its image in the world?

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine invites you to become a member of the Forum “Ukraine and the World: Dialogue through Youth” to be held on 19 November in Kyiv.

The forum will be attended by leaders from the state, public and private sectors, as well as active Ukrainian youth from different regions of the country and from 20 countries of the world, who will be trained in the Ukrainian authorities and mass media.

The event will be held at the iHub (10, Khreshchatyk Street) and will last from 14.00 to 18.00.

Registration lasts till 15 November at the link

Shortlisted participants will receive a confirmation letter by 17 November.

The organisers do not reimburse travel and accommodation expenses.

The event is initiated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine in conjunction with the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organisations, with the support of the Inter-Faction Deputy Association “Cooperation: Ukraine-Diaspora”, the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast State Administration, and the Kyiv Youth Centre.


29.10.2018 - 18:16 | Views: 10061

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