Hromadas should formulate their own cultural strategies, - Hennadii Zubko

Decentralisation of culture is an opportunity for hromadas, on the one hand, to acquire their own identities, build cultural spaces at the regional level, and on the other – to obtain the maximum economic effect from this. We are a European nation with our own authenticity, rich cultural heritage, and we have something to present to the world, emphasised Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, at the opening of the international conference “When the Territory Acquires Identity” in the framework of “October in October” festival.

“The State and the Ukrainian Cultural Fund finance cultural startups. They can work for the country’s economy in a much more profound way than any enterprise. This is a new development space that will show our youth who we are, where the country is moving and what we need to compete in the world. And this is a competition not only between the regions in terms of renovation and reconstruction of historical buildings. This is the restoration and creation of new cultural traditions of our state,” said Hennadii Zubko.

The official said that “October in October” festival, which is being held these days in Zhytomyr, is the first cultural startup for Ukraine. “We expect its implementation to result in creation of a culture development strategy, which can be expanded throughout the country. It has to show how to develop cultural heritage and historical achievements that can be delegated to the future,” Hennadii Zubko emphasised.

First Lady of Ukraine Maryna Poroshenko, present at the event, greeted all the participants with the official opening of the Modern Culture Festival “October in October” and noted that this project has very ambitious plans. “The festival claims to be the main event in the cultural life of the Zhytomyr Oblast. And I'm confident that the organisers will make every effort to implement their plan,” stressed Maryna Poroshenko.

She expressed her hope that the renaissance of the Zhovten cinema building, which has always been a cultural centre for the Zhytomyr residents, and is a pearl of art in the architectural ensemble of the city, will start from this very Festival.

In turn, the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Yevhen Nyshchuk emphasised that organization of such events promotes not only culture preservation, but also development and life of future generations. “Any reform, modernisation or economic and social cut-off should be based upon the cultural component. This is truly very valuable, because in such a synergy, the country will have a powerful result. This festival is uniting creative and interesting people. Moreover, today and tomorrow there will be a cultural intervention – managers from all over the country and Europe,” said the Minister.

The Vice Prime Minister thanked the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation for organising, holding and financing a large-scale festival. “These are future projects that will attract huge investments and like-minded people – artists, experts from all over the country and from abroad. It all depends on local self-government – how much they are prepared to move and develop in this direction. Today we have a unique time! Due to the decentralisation reform, the “window of opportunities” is open to all directions!” said the official.


Organisers of the “October in October” Festival include: NGO “Zhytomyr, zroby holosnishe!” jointly with the Zhytomyr City Council, the Zhytomyr OSA and the art centre “Ya Gallery” with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine, Adam Mickiewicz Institute.

The Festival started on 26 October and will last until 4 November. A detailed programme of the Festival is at the link


29.10.2018 - 13:44 | Views: 10397
Hromadas should formulate their own cultural strategies, - Hennadii Zubko


H.Zubko culture


Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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