Decentration is already irreversible, - Volodymyr Groysman

The decentralisation process is already irreversible, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman at the Cabinet of Ministers’ meeting, presenting the results of the Government’s work over 9 months of 2018.

“Decentralisation continues. In particular, more than 800 amalgamated, self-sufficient hromadas with a total population of 7 million people have been formed. Therefore, the process is irreversible. Yes, decentralisation needs to be strengthened and there are still many technical issues. But in general, this reform is successful,” noted the Prime Minister.

It should be mentioned that on 10 October the Central Election Commission made a decision on the appointment the first elections in 125 AHs for Sunday, 23 December 2018. In general, 830 volantarily amalgamated hromadas will function in Ukraine after the elections.


24.10.2018 - 11:45 | Views: 14505
Decentration is already irreversible, - Volodymyr Groysman


Volodymyr Groysman amalgamation of hromadas


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