USAID DOBRE Programme signed Memorandum on Cooperation with Kirovohrad Oblast State Administration and Oblast Council

On 18 October, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Programme “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) signed a Memorandum on cooperation with the Kirovohrad Oblast State Administration and the Oblast Council. The cooperation will provide an opportunity to respond more effectively to citizens' priorities through good resource management, improve the quality of service delivery, stimulate the local economy and help to empower citizens to make local decisions.

“There were only three hromadas - the Bobrynetska, Novoukrayinska and Malovyskivska AH - within the first and second round of selection in the Kirovohrad Oblast. Therefore, we are looking forward to five new hromadas to compare their successes. Our main goal is to support the local self-government reform and to help hromadas at all stages of their development. We hope that due to assistance of the oblast’s authorities, successful practices of the partners from the DOBRE Programme will be distributed to other 12 hromadas, established in the Kirovohrad Oblast. We have decided to open the DOBRE Programme office in Kropyvnytskyi,” said Barry Reed, DOBRE Programme Director.

The head of the Kirovohrad Oblast State Administration Serhii Kuzmenko emphasised in his greeting speech that the positive experience of the oblast's amalgamated hromadas showed success of the local self-government reform. 

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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