Association of AHs of Rivne Oblast urged CEC to appoint elections in hromadas

The local Association of Local Self-Government “Amalgamated Hromadas of the Rivne Oblast” appealed to the Central Election Commission to convene the next CEC meeting to consider the appointment of the first and additional local elections in AHs.

“It is very important that elections in AHs be appointed by the end of 2018, as it opens the way for amalgamated hromadas to get direct interbudgetary relations... A few thousand Rivne Oblast residents are waiting for the CEC to give them the opportunity to elect new leadership. These people believe in the reform and want to change their hromada-country already today,” the statement reads.

The Association also notes that the local self-government reform in Ukraine, and particularly, in the Rivne Oblast, has proved to be effective. Termination of decentralisation in any way will negatively affect both the socio-political situation in the country and international stance of our state, which is unacceptable.

“Therefore, we urge the CEC to unblock the election process in AHs and to make appropriate decisions at its next meeting,” urged the Association.


10.10.2018 - 13:22 | Views: 10658

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Рівненська область


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