Local Democracy Forum to be held in Ternopil on 20 October

Budget decentralisation has provided amalgamated hromadas with more resources. However, does the hromada sufficiently control the effectiveness of their use and the work of local authorities?

10 AHs from the west of Ukraine decided to introduce at least three new public participation tools and joined the Local Democracy School.

On 20 October, during the “Local Democracy Forum” in Ternopil, the “Teams of Change” from 10 hromadas will present their AH successes, new participatory tools and challenges they faced in the process of their implementation.

To participate in the Forum registration by the link goo.gl/4pyBPj is required before 15 October.

The project participants include representatives of the following AHs: the Volochyska, Letychivska and Lisovohrynivetska AHs from the Khmelnytskyi Oblast, the Khodorivska AH from the Lviv Oblast, the Sokyryanska and Hlybotska AHs from the Chernivtsi Oblast, the Vyshnivetska, Khorostkivska, Lanovetska and Zborivska AHs of the Ternopil Oblast.

Start of event: at 10:00 on 20.10.2018
Close of event: at 15:00 on 20.10.2018
Address: 18 S.Budnoho street, Ternopil, Ukraine

Venue: “Globus” hotel

NGO “Educational and Analytical Centre for Hromada Development”

E-mail: tengocrh@gmail.com

The “Local Democracy School” project is being implemented by the NGO "Educational and Analytical Centre for Hromada Development” in partnership with the Ternopil Regional Branch of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, supported by the NED Foundation.

09.10.2018 - 10:38 | Views: 10320
Local Democracy Forum to be held in Ternopil on 20 October


announcement participation of citizens


Тернопільська область


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