Mukachevo City Council officially agreed to AH formation

The process of formation of the first amalgamated hromada of the Zakarpattia Oblast with the city of oblast significance continues, informs Volodymyr Feskov, adviser of the Zakarpattia LGDC, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Today, on 1 October, the Mukachevo City Council has made a decision on voluntary accession of the Lavky, Shenborn, Pavshyno, Nove Davydkovo and Nyzhniy Koropets rural hromadas. “This is the second important decision in the process of AH formation. In other words, the council agreed to establish the Mukachivska AH. From now on similar decisions of the accessing village councils are to appeat – and we can tell about the final stage of the process. I am grateful to all the conscious deputies of the city council, who have expressed their responsible approach to the adoption of these important decisions. Today the history is being written, and they will become part of it,” said Volodymyr Feskov.

It should be recalled that earlier 5 villages around Mukachevo held public discussions on accession to the city, after which the discussion participants voted for accession. Later, the councils of these villages supported the decisions of their villagers. On 30 August, the Mukachevo City Council supported the accession of the villages of Pavshyno, Nyzhniy Koropets and Lavky. On 12 September, the city council adopted similar decisions regarding the hromadas of Shenborn and Nove Davydkovo villages.



01.10.2018 - 16:41 | Views: 10990
Mukachevo City Council officially agreed to AH formation


amalgamation of hromadas


Закарпатська область


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