East Europe Foundation and partners announce competitive selection of partner AHs

The EEF and partners announce the competitive selection of partner AHs within the Consistent Local Development Programme, implemented within the framework of the USAID Agriculture and Rural Development Support Project.

The Consistent Local Development Programme: effective land management and investment attraction in AH.

An innovative programme for capacity development of amalgamated hromadas in land management and investment attraction – the “Consistent Local Development Programme” – was launched in September 2018. The programme is implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation in partnership with the LLC “BlomInfo-Ukraine”, NGO DESPRO and Kyiv Economic Institute within the framework of the USAID Agriculture and Rural Development Support Project.


  • Effective management of land and other resources within the boundaries of AHs based on GIS technologies
  • Development of the AH ability to formulate development projects to attract investment
  • Consideration of interests of the Government, local self-government, business and non-state sector on the basis of cooperation and partnership

We work with: amalgamated hromadas of the Luhansk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts.

Detailed information on the aim, tasks and stages of the Programme is available here

Amalgamated hromadas, future Programme partners of the Programme, will be selected on a competitive basis.

Please, note! The competitive selection of partner AHs has been announced, terms of selection can be found at the links:

The deadline for submitting a questionnaire for participation in the competition – 23 October 2018.


27.09.2018 - 10:33 | Views: 16662
East Europe Foundation and partners announce competitive selection of partner AHs

Attached files:


land investments competition amalgamation of hromadas DESPRO


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Фонд Східна Європа

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