ANNOUNCEMENT! International Summit of Mayors to be held on 9 October in Kyiv

Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, will organise a summit on 9 October 2018, where Ukrainian and foreign mayors will discuss their own success stories, as well as the latest solutions of their cities’ modernisation.

For the third year in a row, mayors from all over Ukraine, their foreign colleagues, local self-government leaders and innovative business community will meet at the International Summit of Mayors in order to find solutions to urban problems. This year's Summit will be dedicated to the topic of “Cooperation for the sake of economic growth”, and special attention will be devoted to partnership with business.

“Ukraine should and can become economically strong. To achieve this goal, everyone should realise the shared responsibility for the future of our country. That is why a professional discussion of the philosophy of cooperation and innovative approaches that can be implemented at the local level, planned at the forum, are extremely relevant today,” said Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman.

The format of the event allows not only to get acquainted with successful cases of business and community involvement in the cities of Poland, Germany, Finland, Norway, the USA, but also to demonstrate the achievements of the Ukrainian cities, including water supply modernisation, their infrastructure, revitalisation, waste recycling and other projects. For the first time this year, a new form of networking has been introduced – namely, fast business meetings, that will serve as a platform for the mayors to meet with the heads of the leading Ukrainian and international companies such as Visa, Datagroup, Google, Danfoss, Interproject GmbH, iC Consulenten Ukraine, Kerameya, Mercedes -Benz and others. The event takes place in partnership with the Association “Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine” and the Association of Small Cities of Ukraine.

“This event is first of all for mayors as city managers. And this is more than just another conference, because we are counting on a format that will allow them to implement the knowledge gained at the Summit. However, the mayor is not the only one responsible for the development of the city. Many cities around the world have examples of city-business cooperation, such as San Jose in California, and the community in Bologna, Italy. It is an additional human resource for generating changes in the city, understanding its needs and engagement. That is why we started a “What idea will change your city?” campaign to find out the ideas the mayors, city residents, creative strata have, the best of which we want to help implement,” said Iryna Ozymok, founder of the Summit.

More details about the Summit and registration at the link -

Besides, starting from 10 September, you can offer an idea that will change your city on the website and through social networks under the #МОЯІДЕЯМОЄМІСТО hashtag.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

26.09.2018 - 09:38 | Views: 9699
ANNOUNCEMENT! International Summit of Mayors to be held on 9 October in Kyiv




Western NIS Enterprise Fund

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