Education and sports: infrastructure development of Novoselytska AH

This is the first year that the Novoselytska amalgamated hromada receives a subvention from the state budget for infrastructure development. The amount of state support has made up UAH 3.6 million. The hromada directed them at five projects.

Sports, in particular football, is popular in the Novoselytska AH. There is a stadium in the village of Stroyintsi with an artificial-surface playground next to it. Almost UAH 600 thousand were directed by the AH at major repairs of the premises and installment of audience stands. “We will install 360 spectator seats, and we plan to finish the work in November,” said Marian Kukuryak, acting starosta of Stroyintsi.

The Novoselytska AH is the second in Ukraine in terms of the pace of infrastructure subvention administration.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Чернівецька область


Новоселицька територіальна громада


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