Tourism in the information realm or How to fill information vacuum of hromadas’ tourism potential

Tourism infrastructure development without informational support will not promote tourism monetisation. That is why it is necessary to write articles, shoot video and make photos, create topic-related websites and social network pages about tourist sites, logistics and events.

Today, the tourism development experts from AHs of the Zhytomyr Oblast have come to such conclusion at the seminar “Development and Promotion of Tourism in Hromadas”, organised by the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, the Oblast Tourist Information Centre and the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration.

“Today, it is very difficult to achieve qualitative indicators in the tourism sector without the information component. Therefore, we must create conditions so that our perspective tourist could get comprehensive information about all the tourist attractions of the hromada from home,” emphasised Vasyl Kravchuk, director of the Zhytomyr Oblast Tourist Information Centre.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

25.09.2018 - 15:50 | Views: 10115

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