We expect renewed CEC to appoint elections in amalgamated hromadas as their first decision – Vyacheslav Nehoda

Yesterday, answering to MPs’ questions in the Verkhovna Rada, several members of the new Central Election Commission announced their readiness to unblock elections in amalgamated hromadas and appoint them as soon as possible.

“The illogical decisions of the former CEC members spread uncertainty and disbelief to the reform in general in the hromadas. We remember how they did not appoint elections in hromadas from different rayons, as well as those with the centre in the city of oblast significance. And the last decisions in general blocked any electiona in AHs. I am convinced that the new members of the CEC understand that the decentralisation success, attitude to the reform of the hromadas, that still decide, whether they should amalgamate, depends on their decisions. And I would like that one of the first decisions of the renewed Commission was the appointment of elections in already established AH this year,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

As of 21 September, 130 amalgamated hromadas are ready for the first elections of local heads and deputies. These AHs include 545 hromadas – village, settlement and city councils. 58 hromadas that have joined already formed 40 AHs, are also waiting for the elections. These hromadas have a total population of 1 million 467 thousand people.

It should be noted that the CEC has to make the decision on elections’ appointment at leadt 70 days before their holding.

More comments on the situation with the appointment of the elections can be followed HERE


21.09.2018 - 19:20 | Views: 13443

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elections V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas CEC


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