165 hromadas' activists visited country’s exemplary ASCs with study tours

This week, another 165 representatives of hromadads from all regions of Ukraine visited four exemplary and four specialised ASCs with study tours, held within the framework of the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The participants, including the heads of AHs and the heads of the ASCs, visited the joint ASCs in the Polonska AH, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, in the Veselivska AH,  Zaporizhzhia Oblast, in the Krasnopilska AH, Sumy Oblast; newly-built energy-efficient ASC of the Mykolayivska AH, Sumy Oblast; as well as proper ASCs of the Zolotnykivska AH, Ternopil Oblast, Kochubeyivska AH, Kherson Oblast, Sokolivska AH, Kirovohrad Oblast, and Starobohorodchanska AH, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.

Hromadas' activists learned about the mechanisms of delivery of the most necessary administrative services, principles of the institutional and physical organisation of the ASC work, key infrastructure features of a proper ASC .

Some feedback from participants:

“We learned about the organisation of the ASC work with the State Land Cadastre, remote workplaces, mobile ASC”.

"We received a lot of useful information from practitioners, saw ASC activities in practice”.

“During the visit, we received information on intermunicipal cooperation agreements, gained knowledge about the organisation of the ASC work, in particular in the field of place of residence registration and state registrar’s functions”.

10 visits will take place next week:

  • 25 September – joint ASC of the Polonska AH, Khmelnytskyi Oblast
  • 25 September – joint ASC of the Veselivska AH, Zaporizhzhia Oblast
  • 25 September – ASC of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi city, Odesa Oblast
  • 25 September – ASC of Dubno city, Rivne Oblast
  • 26 September – ASC of the Tyachivska AH, Zakarpattia Oblast
  • 26 September – ASC of the Krasnopilska AH, Poltava Oblast
  • 27 September – mobile ASC of the Slavutska AH, Khmelnytskyi Oblast
  • 27 September – ASC of Medzybizka AH, Khmelnytskyi Oblast
  • 27 September – ASC of the Trostyanetska AH, Lviv Oblast
  • 28 September – ASC of Krasnopillya city, Kharkiv Oblast.
21.09.2018 - 16:30 | Views: 9604

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Administrative services


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