Agriculture and green tourism – development prospects of Cherkaska AH

The Cherkaska settlement AH, formed in 2015, continues to gradually gain momentum. It has prospects in agriculture development, moreover, having enough land plots after their inventory and transfer from the state to communal ownership of the AH.

During a workshop in the Cherkaska AH, the audience of local farmers, entrepreneurs, unemployed, who plan to open their own business, specialists of executive bodies of the AH, discussed how to develop entrepreneurship in rural areas.

The study visit to the Cherkaska AH was organised jointly by the Donetsk Oblast State Administration and the Donetsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

During the tour to the AH, the participants visited the farm “Veres”. Oleksandr Sklyarov has been engaged in farming for more than 15 years. He started with a small amount of land, and now his farm has 5,500 hectares. The main direction is plant growing. Part of the land is engaged in growing feed – “Veres” breeds cows. Several years ago the farm began to breed horses.

The museum of folk life and architecture in the village of Prelesne can become green tourism development centre in the Cherkaska AH.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

21.09.2018 - 15:51 | Views: 9441
Agriculture and green tourism – development prospects of Cherkaska AH

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Донецька область


Черкаська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Черкаська територіальна громада


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