Team of Vilshanska AH is preparing to work with new powers

Heads of villages, included in the Vilshanska AH of the Zhytomyr Oblast, are preparing for work with new powers and resources. The Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion organised a seminar “Vilshanska AH: from creation to development” for former heads and secretaries of five village councils in the newly established hromada.

“The large amount of work shall be waiting for these people after the first elections. To conduct property inventory, reorganisation of legal entities, transferring employees to new working places according to the rules of law will be difficult to do without any experience and knowledge. Therefore, today we have gathered all the necessary information and experience, so that after the elections people can carry out this work quickly and qualitatively and proceed with the development of the territories,” Serhiy Romanovych, adviser on decentralisation of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

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14.09.2018 - 10:27 | Views: 8569
Team of Vilshanska AH is preparing to work with new powers

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