Members of Parliament ask their colleagues to promptly confirm to Central Election Commission that elections in amalgamated hromadas can be conducted

The Parliament’s Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government has addressed the Parliament’s Committee on Legal Policy and Justice in regard to pending first local elections in amalgamated hromadas.

During the meeting of the Committee, the members of Parliament pointed out that decentralisation has been under way in Ukraine for the last four years whose key element is the creation of capable hromadas. Presently, there are 705 amalgamated hromadas in place already, 665 of them already have direct relations with the state budget. As per the end of August 2018, 123 more amalgamated hromadas which had passed all necessary formalities waited for the approval of the Central Election Commission to appoint their first local elections in 2018. However, these elections remain pending due to the decree of the Central Election Commission No. 122 of 9 August, 2018 “On the Request to the Parliament’s Committee on Legal Policy and Justice”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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