Parliament’s Committee on Legal Policy and Justice will provide clarifications to Central Election Commission regarding elections in amalgamated hromadas, - Committee Members

The Parliaments Committee on Legal Policy and Justice plans a meeting on 5 September to consider clarifications to the Central Election Commission regarding the implications of the referendum laws for the local elections in amalgamated hromadas.

“In any case, we will raise this issue. In my opinion, the Central Election Commission must assign elections. I am confident, though, that the request made by the Central Election Commission was absolutely unnecessary, since clarifications made by our Committee have no binding legal force. The Central Election Commission has powers set by law and must do its job. Elections must take place. This is the right of our citizens anchored in the Constitution of Ukraine”, said Leonid Emets, member of Parliament, first deputy chairman of the Parliament’s Committee on Legal Policy and Justice in his comment to the portal “Decentralisation”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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