Committee of Voters of Ukraine urges CEC to unblock elections in amalgamated hromadas

NGO “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” (CVU) calls on the Central Election Commission to unblock the process of appointment and holding of elections in AHs.

“The Committee of Voters of Ukraine considers the CEC's position as legally ungrounded and contrary to the exercise of citizens' voting rights. The old Law “On All-Ukrainian and Local Referendums” is considered to have officially lost its force. There have been no changes in its status after the decision of the Constitutional Court of 26 April 2018. The amalgamation of hromadas took place in accordance with the Law “On Voluntary Amalgamation of Hromadas”, which is in force in Ukraine and does not foresee the mandatory holding of local referenda,” states the CVU’s statement.

The organisation also notes that the parliamentary committees are not authorised to formally interpret the norms of law.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.08.2018 - 22:17 | Views: 10536
Committee of Voters of Ukraine urges CEC to unblock elections in amalgamated hromadas


elections CEC


Інтерфакс Україна

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