Halyna Hrechyn: Four hromadas of Lviv Oblast are waiting for CEC’s decision on appointment of elections

Halyna Hrechyn, head of the Lviv Local Government Development Centre, told about CEC’s reluctance to appoint elections in amalgamated hromadas at today’s briefing on “AH formation in the Lviv Oblast in 2018: who will (not) hold elections”.

“As of today, four AHs of the Lviv Oblast are waiting for appointment of the first elections of heads and deputies, namely the Zymnovodivska, Bibrska, Lopatynska and Medenytska hromadas. And this is over 44 thousand residents of our oblast, who deserve better life,” she emphasised.

Delaying appointment of elections, the CEC deprives almost 100 thousand residents of the Lviv Oblast of the right to elect capable local authorities and live in self-governing hromadas.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.08.2018 - 15:17 | Views: 11598
Halyna Hrechyn: Four hromadas of Lviv Oblast are waiting for CEC’s decision on appointment of elections

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Львівська область


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