Association of amalgamated hromadas of Chernihiv Oblast appealed to President and Central Election Commission

According to the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, 37 hromadas of the Chernihiv Oblast confidently follow the path of the reform and show by their own example that decentralisation is an effective reform.

In 2018 the Local Association of Local Self-Government Bodies “Association of Amalgamated Hromadas of the Chernihiv Oblast” was created. It has reacted to the CEC’s decision and appealed to the President and the Central Election Commission.

In the opinion of Serhiy Harus, head of the Association of AHs of the Chernihiv Oblast and Ivanivka village head, on 9 August the Central Election Commission went beyond its powers, specified by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

“The General Meeting of the Association of AHs of the Chernihiv Oblast considers the mentioned decision of the state authority of Ukraine to be illegal and the one that violates the constitutional rights of the citizens of Ukraine to elect and be elected. Five hromadas in the Chernihiv Oblast have gone through a difficult way of amalgamation and are waiting for the appointment of the first elections of deputies of local councils and hroamadas’ leaders. Another two hromadas should hold additional elections of local council members. In general, the CEC violates the constitutional rights of more than thirty thousand Ukrainian citizens living in the Chernihiv Oblast by its decision,” said Serhiy Harus.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.08.2018 - 12:19 | Views: 11695

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elections CEC


Чернігівська область


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