Healthcare institutions of Baltska AH have tripled salaries of doctors and nurses

In July, the first increased salaries were received by doctors in the institutions that switched to a new financing model based on the “money following the patient” principle. The National Health Service paid UAH 255.3 million, allocated among 161 primary healthcare institutions according to the tariffs for medical care of patients.

Pursuant to the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, with reference to the National Health Service, in July the communal non-profit enterprise “Balta Primary Healthcare Centre” has significantly increased salaries of its employees, precisely due to transition to a new work system.

Thus, the family physician, who signed 1795 declarations, in July received UAH 16 011 net of tax. In June, her income amounted to only UAH 5834. Another family doctor, who has 1770 patient declarations, in July received a salary of UAH 13 261. In June it was UAH 3 349. The nurse of the same healthcare institution in July received UAH 6 383. In June her salary amounted to UAH 3 048 net of tax.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


14.08.2018 - 11:48 | Views: 11077

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Одеська область


Балтська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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