Velykoploskivska AH got OSA’s positive conclusion

On 9 August the Odesa Oblast State Administration issued conclusion on compliance of draft decisions of the Velykoploske, Slovyanosebsk, Novosavytske, Trostyanets village councils of the Velyka Mykhaylivka Rayon of the Odesa Oblast on voluntary amalgamation of hromadas into the Velukoploskivska rural AH, with its administrative centre in the village of Velykoploske, with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

As reported by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established wth the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, the hromada has population of more than five thousand people. According to preliminary calculations made by Olesya Holynska, adviser on local financial management of the Odesa LGDC, own revenues per capita will amount to UAH 2048, capital expenditures will make up UAH 1200 per resident, and expenditures on the future structure of the apparatus will not exceed 20% of the volume of own expenses. In addition, at the level of personal income tax, the future hromada will be able to pay reverse subsidies to the state budget.


amalgamation of hromadas


Одеська область


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