Why is decentralisation in Kyiv Oblast moving not as fast as it could?

Why is decentralisation in the Kyiv Oblast moving not as fast as it could, despite all the efforts of hromadas? Why is the process of formation of the Bohuslavska AH being blocked? Hennadii Kryvosheya, MP of Ukraine, and Oleh Lyubimov, Director of the Kyiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, answered these questions during a press conference “Amalgamated hromadas. Problems and prospects of their formation in the Kyiv Oblast”, held today at UNIAN.

One of the most difficult issues is to get a positive conclusion on AH formation from the Kyiv Oblast State Administration.

Hennadii Kryvosheya said that the process of formation of the Bohuslavska AH has been on for almost two years. However, the elections date has not yet been appointed.

However, according to Oleh Lyubimov, at least ten AHs of the Kyiv Oblast will be ready to hold the first elections this autumn.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE 

Read also: Who should help oblast administrations to comply with the law, or will they cope themselves? Talking points of hromadas’ heads at briefing

07.08.2018 - 17:25 | Views: 11738
Why is decentralisation in Kyiv Oblast moving not as fast as it could?

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amalgamation of hromadas


Київська область


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