Ten AHs in Luhansk Oblast are waiting for their first elections

The formation of new amalgamated hromadas in the Luhansk Oblast was discussed today, 7 August, at the OSA’s briefing.

It was attended by the representatives of four partner organisations that are guides of the decentralisation reform in the Luhansk Oblast.

At present, 9 AHs of the oblast have already had their first elections. Next week, the Central Electoral Commission will decide on holding of the elections in a number of hromadas on the last Sunday of October. The Luhansk Oblast is looking forward to a positive decision on ten AHs. Besides, proposals for the elections in two AHs, formed near the demarcation line, were re-submitted.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


amalgamation of hromadas


Луганська область


Луганська обласна державна адміністрація

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