Newly established AHs received additional UAH 56.5 million over seven months of 2018

The AHs established at the end of 2017 due to voluntary amalgamation and decentralisation of powers over seven months of 2018 received an additional financial resource amounting to almost UAH 56.5 million, which is 2.7 times more than in January-July 2017, informs the press service of the Oblast State Administration

As before, the Shyrokivska AH (Snihurivka Rayon) and Radsadivska AH (Mykolayiv Rayon) lead in revenue growth rates, with +4.1 and +3.7 times increase respectively.

In course of 7 months of the current year, the general fund of local budgets of the oblast has been replenished by almost UAH 3.2 billion. The accrual to the corresponding period of 2017 amounted to 18.6%, or +UAH 498.8 million. Thus, the growth has been ensured in terms of all major budget-forming taxes, namely, in terms of:

  • PIT – 22.8% (+UAH 379.1 million);
  • land payment – 10.7% (+UAH 36.8 million);
  • single tax – 18.4% (+UAH 56.8 million).

As of 1 August of this year, according to the budgets of cities of oblast significance, the mentioned overperformance amounts to UAH 126.1 million (in the city of Mykolayiv), in the consolidated budgets of rayons it is UAH 73.9 million, in budgets of AHs – UAH 31.1 million.


amalgamation of hromadas


Миколаївська область


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