ASC essence and understanding of ASC administrator’s position and functions: round table results

On 2 August a round table meeting on the “Essence of the ASC and understanding of the ASC administrator’s position/functions” took place in the House of Decentralisation with participation of the representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and MinRegion.

According to the results of the discussion, the representatives of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Association of Ukrainian Cities, Association of AHs, Association of ASCs, experts of the analytical group of the Central Reform Office under MinRegion agreed that a flexible approach to understanding of “administrator’s” position/functions and formation of the ASC structures can be applied.

Thus, the administrator can be considered as:

  1. separate position of an assumed “intermediary” between the applicant and administrative service provider. This is primarily the acceptance of applications from citizens and business entities and their transfer to the relevant authorities, officials, and then issuance of the result to the service consumer;
  2. an official, who, in addition to the functions listed above, may also directly provide administrative services in cases provided for by law. Such opportunities have increased especially after the transfer / delegation of many powers to the bodies that form Administrative Service Centre. This applies to spheres of registration of place of residence, real estate, business, issuance of information from the State Land Cadastre, etc.;
  3. as the functions (duties) of receiving applications and issuing the results (as described in point 1 above), assigned to different officials of the body that formed the ASC, if such an official (chief specialist, state registrar, etc.) works directly at the ASC.

The choice of the position must depend on the employee’s main workload, his/her functions and powers, and their volume.

It is important to note that each hromada (the local self-government body that formed the ASC) independently decides on the organisation of the ASC activities in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government of Ukraine” (Point 5, Part 1, Article 16) and other legislative acts. Such activity should be rational for both the authorities (without unnecessary actions and excessive resource spending, duplication of officials’ work, uniform workload, interchange), and the service consumer. In particular, if the service can be provided without delay in course of one visit to the ASC, then this is the way it should be organised. This is especially true for AHs, when there is a difficult territorial access to the ASC and its remote workplaces.

And the most important thing is that the ASC should be provided with the most comprehensive list of services necessary for citizens and business entities. This is especially true for the ASC in AH, which should show new living standards after the reform.

A detailed explanation of the U-LEAD with Europe experts regarding the understanding of the functions/position of administrators and approaches to the planning of rational models for the administrative service provision at the ASC is available at the link:


03.08.2018 - 19:12 | Views: 46874
ASC essence and understanding of ASC administrator’s position and functions: round table results


Administrative services


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